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Acne & Sunlight

Acne And Sunlight

Many teenagers believe that sunlight treats acne. It is possible that the rays of the sun may reduce the population of the bacteria P.acnes, but this has not been established scientifically as yet.

Sun rays are dangerous for the skin. Sun rays age the skin faster. Wrinkles, blotches, and sunspots form because of exposure to the sun. The sun's rays cause skin cancer.

Most of the acne medications make the skin more sensitive to sun. If you are using some of these medications, such as Retinoids, your probability of getting sunburn increases. It is better to protect yourself from the sun.

Do not try to treat acne by exposure to sun. Protect yourself from sun.

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Acne & Sunshine

Despite the belief that acne gets cleared by sunshine, there is no scientific evidence to this. Excess sun can damage your skin rather than treating acne.

Click here to learn more on Sun Damage.

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