Acne Scars - Overview -
Acne forms scars on the skin like any other injury. Severe cystic and nodular acne almost always leave a scar while in some cases mildly inflamed acne also forms scars. The scarring depends upon the individual's response to an injury. Some of us get more scars and some get less.
As we age, these acne scars become more visible because of the loss of collagen in the skin. Acne scars look ugly and need to be prevented and treated. Let us find out more about acne scars and their treatment.
Acne Scars and PIH-
After the acne resolves, a colored spot may form on the skin. Most often it is PIH (Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation). This dark color of skin is the result of natural body repair. PIH fades away in about a year. If PIH does not resolve during that period, you may have an acne scar that will need treatment.
Raised acne scars-
Acne scars can be either depressed or raised. Some of us get raised scars. Raised acne scars are also called as keloids. A keloid is a growth of tissues at the site of injury. Keloids are difficult to treat.
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How Scars Form.
Depressed acne scars-
The majority of people develop depressed acne scars. A depressed acne scar forms as a result of loss of tissue at the acne site. The tissue is lost when the acne spreads inside the skin. Some collagen is lost in this process. After the acne heals, the depression remains and new skin grows over the depression. That is a depressed acne scar.
These depressed acne scars are classified into - ice pick, boxcar or rolling scars. Acne scars do not fade away with time. Depressed acne scars are removed with surgical and physical procedures such as dermabrasion, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, surgery, soft tissue filling, laser treatment, etc. Some topical formulations are also available that reduce the intensity of acne scar tissue and lighten it.

Acne & Sunshine
Despite the belief that acne gets cleared by sunshine, there is no scientific evidence to this. Excess sun can damage your skin rather than treating acne.
Click here to learn more on Sun Damage.