Third stage of acne- Cysts and nodules
In the third stage of Acne Vulgaris, large infected and inflamed lesions form. They are called cysts and nodules. They invariably cause scars and may also be very painful.
A nodule is a solid dome-shaped inflamed lesion. Nodules are much bigger than papules and may be very painful. Nodules reach deeper in the skin and cause scars. Nodules should not be treated with OTC medication. If you have the third stage of acne with large nodules and cysts, you should consult a doctor about the treatment.
A cyst is a severe form of pustule that is filled with bacteria, white blood cells, sebum and dead skin cells. Cysts can be very painful and extend inside the skin damaging the skin tissue. Cysts invariably cause a scar. Cysts may need to be drained before treatment.
Article created on: June 14, 2006

Acne & Sunshine
Despite the belief that acne gets cleared by sunshine, there is no scientific evidence to this. Excess sun can damage your skin rather than treating acne.
Click here to learn more on Sun Damage.