Cosmetic Treatment At Home
In microdermabrasion, very tiny particles are used to brush the skin. The particles are thrown at the skin and recollected by vacuum. These particles brush/sand away the dead skin layer on the top of the skin.
Earlier, microdermabrasion was performed by doctors and beauty salons only. Now with arrivals of home-use machines, you can perform microdermabrasion of your face at home. Each treatment should typically last for 30 minutes and a weekly treatment should keep the glow on your skin.
With microdermabrasion, you will find a difference in the look of your skin. The skin will not look dull. It will look healthy and fresh. Small hyper-pigmentation spots and blemishes will disappear. Saucer-type scars will slowly fade away, and blackheads will disappear.
Microdermabrasion should not be done on pre-cancerous skin spots and keloid scars. Before you begin with microdermabrasion, discuss the details with your doctor.
Article created on: August 15, 2006