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Microdermabrasion: Procedure


Microdermabrasion can be performed by your doctor with high power machines that will give more deeper effect than the machines commonly used by the salons. The procedure generally lasts for about half an hour and weekly sittings for many weeks are required to get results. The procedure is painless and you will get some feeling of the particles touching your skin. The tiny particles that are used in Microdermabrasion are those of Aluminium Oxide. The particles are not reused. In deeper microdermabrasion, you may see some redness for some time.

Don't expect any miraculous results with Microdermabrasion. Combined with topical therapy of retinoids or other skin treatment molecules, prescribed by your doctor, you may expect a new glow to your skin, with some fine lines disappearing and some smoothening of superficial scars. Check if the crystals are not being reused and ask about the inhalation possibility of aluminium oxide crystals. As said before, if you are prone to keloids, talk to your doctor about it before you get microdermabrasion performed.

Article created on: June 16, 2006

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