Treatment Of Syphilis
Syphilis is treated with penicillin injections at all the stages. If you are sensitive to penicillin, you should inform your doctor. Other antibiotics may be used in place of penicillin. Pregnant women cannot be treated with any antibiotic other than penicillin. So the doctor first desensitizes them to penicillin and then treats with penicillin. During the first stage, a single injection of penicillin may clear the infection. Regular check-up must be done in consultation with your doctor to know if the infection is totally eliminated. Don't indulge in any sexual activity if you have active sores or rashes. Inform all your partners, once it is confirmed that you have syphilis, so that they can undergo tests and treatment if required. Consult your doctor for more details.
Article created on: July 07, 2006