Plaque Psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. It mainly affects areas such as elbows, lower back, knees and abdomen. Plaque psoriasis is a chronic type of psoriasis and becomes difficult to treat on a long term. In plaque psoriasis, plaques or patches of psoriatic skin appear on the affected place. The color is generally red-silvery. The flakes of dead skin fall off from the plaques. Small plaques may also join to form large patches of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is commonly treated with topical medicine. In case of severe psoriasis, ultra violet radiation is used (PUVA). Oral medications may be used under medical care and help in quicker recovery. In topical medications, steroids and coal tar are commonly used.
Article created on: Sep 12, 2006