
Home: Diseases & Conditions: Gonorrhea: Causes
Gonorrhea: Causes
Causes Of Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium called neisseria gonorrhoea. It is passed on by sexual contact with an infected person. The sexual contact can be of any type. The bacterium passes to the partner if the secretions of the affected genital or anus come in contact with mucous membrane of the partner. Gonorrhea can affect the genitals of both the sexes, the anus and the mouth. Eyes can also be infected if bacteria are passed on to eyes by hand contact. A mother can pass on gonorrhea to her baby. Shaking hands cannot pass on gonorrhea. If anybody once treated for gonorrhea, comes in contact with infection again, he/she may get re-infected.
Article created on: July 20, 2006
