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Home: Diseases & Conditions: Atopic Dermatitis: Treatment: Steroids

Treatment: Steroids

Treatment Of Atopic Dermatitis With Steroids

Topical steroids are one of the most common medicines used to treat atopic dermatitis. Many people rightly worry about the side-effects of topical steroids and the possibility that they may lose effectiveness by repeated use. Talk to your doctor about this in detail. Your doctor will suggest the right strength and usage of topical steroids. He/She may slowly reduce the strength of the steroid as the skin responds. Normally mild atopic dermatitis clears within a week with steroids. For moderate atopic dermatitis, it takes about four to eight weeks. For persistent severe atopic dermatitis, topical steroids of very high strength may be tried for some time after which the strength is reduced.

Steroids thin the skin where they are applied over a period of time. Your doctor will therefore suggest you the usage accordingly. Skin near the eyes and body folds should be avoided for using steroids. This applies to all sites on your body where the skin is thin. Your doctor will guide you about that. Infant skin is also thin and steroids must be avoided for them. The objective is to improve quality of life with quick control of atopic dermatitis by use of the right dosage of topical steroids. Consult your doctor and discuss all your concerns about their usage with him/her.

Article created on: June 24, 2006

Treatment Of Atopic Dermatitis

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