Causes Of Hirsutism
Hormones such as androgens (called male hormones) are also found in women. If a woman has abnormally high levels of androgens, she may grow hair at unwanted places. Some women are more sensitive to normal levels of androgens and develop hirsutism. Some medications can also cause hirsutism. If you are taking anabolic steroids, hormone pills, etc., you should find out with your doctor about the likely effect of these medications on your hair growth pattern. Some conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome can also upset the hormonal balance. Your doctor will examine that with sonographic tests.
Some women of certain races have genetic hirsutism and that is normal in those races. Some women grow unwanted hair as they age. This problem becomes more pronounced after menopause. Your doctor is the best person to identify the cause of hirsutism in you. If you have menstrual problems accompanying hirsutism, you should consult your doctor. You should also consult your doctor if hair grows very quickly at unwanted places after puberty, if you get hirsutism along with male pattern baldness and change of voice, and if you have diabetes or are obese.
Article created on: July 1, 2006