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Actinic Keratoses: Causes

Causes Of Actinic Keratoses

Actinic keratoses is not a contagious disease. Nor is it known if it is hereditary. Fair skinned people, with red/blond hair and blue eyes, who burn easily in sun but rarely tan, are the biggest risk group of actinic keratoses.

The main known cause is sun exposure over years. The epidermis is mainly made of cells known as keratinocytes. These cells give the skin its texture. With sun exposure, these cells undergo changes and actinic keratoses develops. The cells may change in size, organization or shape, and these changes make the skin look scaly and colored. The touch may be rough. Though sun exposure might have occurred in early age, the damage gets seen, as one grows older. Those who live in areas that are sunny most of the year, have the biggest risk.

Article created on: July 01, 2006

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