
Home: Diseases & Conditions: Skin Cancer: Articles: Remove The Moles
Skin Cancer: Remove The Moles
Remove The Moles
Moles or nevi as they are called by doctors, may become a cause for concern if changes appear in them indicating melanoma. Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. A mole need not be always a dark brown circular spot. Moles can be in many sizes and colors. When a child is born with a mole, that mole is called congenital nevi. Such moles have higher probability of turning cancerous. They should be preferably removed early.
Sometimes moles causing irritation may be located in the shaving area or placed right below the bra strap. Such moles are removed to stop the irritation. Some moles that change size or color and are suspicious looking should be removed. Follow ABCD of melanoma about suspect moles and contact your doctor, if you notice any change.
